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MICRESS is a command-line tool. It expects simulation input parameters to be provided either via keyboard (interactive mode) or using an input file (non-interactive mode). While both these options have their advantages, beginners are recommended to use MICpad for an easier start.

MICpad is a graphical user interface providing all the MICRESS functionality and even more. You can use MICpad to create, run and monitor MICRESS simulations with minimum effort. After a simulation has finished, you may use MICpad to post-processing the data or export it into a different format. Consider MICpad a central hub for all MICRESS activities.

Drag and Drop

You can drag and drop an input file on any MICRESS executable (including MICpad) to open the input file with the corresponding application. The procedure also works using the MICRESS desktop shortcuts.

Interactive mode

In interactive mode, MICRESS will expect the user to provide all inputs via keyboard. MICRESS will repeatedly prompt the user to enter simulation parameters. The simulation will not start until all required simulation parameters have been provided.

To start MICRESS in interactive mode, run any of the MICRESS executables (e.g. MICRESS_TQ). Enter shell when asked to choose an input type.

Running MICRESS_TQ in interactive mode

C:\Users\lukask> MICRESS_TQ.exe


# Type of input
# =============
# Please choose an input type:
# Keyboard (shell) or Driving File (file)

Non-interactive mode

In non-interactive mode, MICRESS expects all simulation parameters to be defined in an input file. MICRESS will parse the input file and immediatly start the simulation if the input is valid and sufficient. Otherwise, MICRESS will print an error message and expect the user to fix the input file.

To start MICRESS in non-interactive mode, run any of the MICRESS executables (e.g. MICRESS_TQ) providing the path to an input file as a parameter.

Running MICRESS_TQ in non-interactive mode using input from MyInputFile.txt

C:\Users\lukask> MICRESS_TQ.exe MyInputFile.txt
